bağdat caddesi

Telefon1: 0216330000


Fax: 02163303000

Web: www.3ksport.eu

Sponsorlu Bağlantılar

Firma Kuruluş Yılı:2009
Çalışan Sayısı:0 (Yönetici:0 | Memur:0 | İşçi:0
Dış Ülkelerle Bağlantıları:

Our team of top class consultants and prestigious partners are here to provide an expert service you can depend on.
Working together as a team, we will plan and manage your future career in sport and also offer financial advice and consultancy. Professional management for professional footballers.

Ürün ve Hizmetler

#3K SPORT #3k sport #3KSPORT #3K Sport Agency #3K Menajerlik

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